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About Dr. Andrea Dunn

Dr. Andrea Dunn is the Founder, CEO, and “Queen Bee” of Let’s Beehive!® Inc. She is a woman of God, a mother, health educator, motivational speaker, and a Board Certified Pediatric Pharmacy Specialist. Currently she is practicing at AdventHealth for Children as a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacy Specialists. 


She Is Prepalicious

More about Dr. Dunn

Dr. Dunn is passionate about helping end the HIV epidemic. Her advocacy for HIV education and prevention began in August 2003 after completing an internship at the Florida/Caribbean AIDS Education & Training Center formerly located at the University of Florida, where she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science Education with a minor in Community Health. She was so fascinated by the advances in antiretroviral therapy (ART) and their ability to prolong life and prevent mother-to-child transmission among people living with HIV, she 
decided to pursue a career in Pharmacy as well as earn a certification in HIV Testing & Counseling. 
Dr. Dunn earned her Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the prestigious Howard University and completed two years of post-graduate residency training at Wolfson Children’s Hospital and AdventHealth for Children, respectively, where she specialized in Pediatric Pharmacy.
After ten years of experience in the profession of pediatric pharmacy, Dr. Dunn has had several HIV patient experiences that made a huge impact on her life. Due to a lack of comprehensive sex education programs, alarming rates of new HIV diagnosis, and increasing rates of sexually transmitted infections among teenagers and adults in the Orlando Metropolitan Area, she decided to start Let’s Beehive!® Inc. to help close the gap. 
Dr. Dunn is a firm believer that ”age-appropriate HIV education is the key to success” in conquering the fight against HIV/AIDS for children and adults. Ultimately, it is her vision with Let’s Beehive!® Inc.
to eradicate HIV/AIDS “using health education as natural medicine.”
For the past three and a half years, she’s offered a collaborative and integrated approach to HIV awareness and education services with her Queen Bee® HIV Prevention Program designed to equip women and girls with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to make better choices as it relates to their sexual health. 
Dr. Dunn has been featured on Star 94.5 FM Radio, in the Living Day by Day and IBA Success Magazine. She has spoken at the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA), The Tom Joyner Family Runion, and several local businesses, community-based and faith-based organizations. In 2018, she was the Recipient of the Legacy by Decades Award from Howard University College of Pharmacy Alumni Gala. For the past two years she has been nominated for the Excellence Award for Community Service at AdventHealth for Children Clinical Summit. 

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